In this ThinkSoJoE Show bonus content, Joe visits the boys from On The Cinder ahead of their June 7 tour kickoff at Rec Room Buffalo. Some topics of discussion include the band’s new album which drops this September, the Rec Room show and subsequent tour, flossing (both kinds), favorite new local bands, alligators and other wildlife, the actors who portray Spiderman, the PlayStation video game “Rosco McQueen Firefighter Extreme,” and much, much more. Plus, pay attention because the guys drop a promo code you can use to get $2 off your pre-order of their new album!
160: May 22, 2019
This week, get a sneak preview of our interview with On The Cinder, with music from them as well as Strange Standard, Massive Blowout, and Muddle. Plus, stories of Joe and Corina’s adventures in high school event planning, Joe celebrates his second favorite NHL team, the St. Louis Blues, moving on to the Stanley Cup Final, and much, much more.
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ThinkSoJoE Show Episode 160
This week, get a sneak preview of our interview with On The Cinder, with music from them as well as Strange Standard, Massive Blowout, and Muddle. Plus, stories of Joe and Corina’s adventures in high school event planning, Joe celebrates his second favorite NHL team, the St. Louis Blues, moving on to the Stanley Cup Final, and much, much more.
159: May 15, 2019
This week, Joe and Corina talk about cartoons and mourn the passing of Pancho Billa. Plus your local show update for this weekend, including the Justin Mauk Memorial Benefit to benefit MS Sucks this Saturday at the Burt Hotel in Burt, NY. Music from Piss Phantom, Of Night And Light, Knee-Jerk, and Mass Casualty.
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ThinkSoJoE Show Episode 159
This week, Joe and Corina talk about cartoons and mourn the passing of Pancho Billa. Plus your local show update for this weekend, including the Justin Mauk Memorial Benefit to benefit MS Sucks this Saturday at the Burt Hotel in Burt, NY. Music from Piss Phantom, Of Night And Light, Knee-Jerk, and Mass Casualty.
158: May 8, 2019
This week we talk about the great time we had this past Saturday night at the Stamping Out MS event our friends put on for Corina, and Joe discusses how his “best worst kept secret” surprise at the event came to be. We let you know where you can find either one of us this weekend and play some bands who will also be out and about in the upcoming few days, including LVXURY, Tina Panic Noise, Shambles, and Radical Operations.
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ThinkSoJoE Show Episode 158
This week we talk about the great time we had this past Saturday night at the Stamping Out MS event our friends put on for Corina, and Joe discusses how his “best worst kept secret” surprise at the event came to be. We let you know where you can find either one of us this weekend and play some bands who will also be out and about in the upcoming few days, including LVXURY, Tina Panic Noise, Shambles, and Radical Operations.
157: May 1, 2019
This week on the ThinkSoJoE Show, we give you a preview of what to expect this Saturday night at Stamps… The Bar when our friends come together for Stamping Out MS – A Tribute to Corina DeFabbio. We talk about street art and great documentaries thereof, this past Sunday’s episode of The Simpsons (“D’oh Canada”) and their portrayal of Upstate New York, our mothers, constipation, Sonic The Hedgehog, how “Country Roads” is the new “Africa,” and much more. Music from Jaynie Crash and the Tall Men, Billy Draws Two, Yellow Sauce, and Exham Priory.
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· Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
ThinkSoJoE Show Episode 157
This week on the ThinkSoJoE Show, we give you a preview of what to expect this Saturday night at Stamps… The Bar when our friends come together for Stamping Out MS – A Tribute to Corina DeFabbio. We talk about street art and great documentaries thereof, this past Sunday’s episode of The Simpsons (“D’oh Canada”) and their portrayal of Upstate New York, our mothers, constipation, Sonic The Hedgehog, how “Country Roads” is the new “Africa,” and much more. Music from Jaynie Crash and the Tall Men, Billy Draws Two, Yellow Sauce, and Exham Priory.
156: April 24, 2019
This week on the ThinkSoJoE Show, we talk about hockey, video games, and bands who we regret liking back in the day because of their actions later on. Plus, we’ve got Buffalo, NY band Grizzly Run as our guests to talk about their upcoming show at the Rec Room this Saturday night. Music from Burial Harbor, Sertraline, DredNeks, and Grizzly Run.
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